Home Staging Tips For Sellers

September 10, 2018


When you’re selling your home, you want it to look its absolute best for the potential buyers who walk through the door. That’s where home staging comes in.

Many homeowners confuse home staging with interior design, but there is a distinct difference in to whom you are appealing.

“The difference between interior design and staging is that interior design is targeted to reflect the person you are designing for,” says Cheryl Eisen of the Interior Marketing Group. “Staging is depersonalizing. It is about broad appeal, something everyone will like.”

Here are a few tips from the pros to staging your home:

  1. Highlight special features – Large windows or patio doors that offer fantastic views should be in clear view and not blocked by furniture or other fixtures. Any special appliances or functions in the house should be made visible and your realtor should be knowledgeable enough to showcase these features seamlessly.
  2. Inexpensive interventions – Simple upgrades such as a fresh coat of paint, relaxing music playing in the background and a scented candle can make a huge difference when a home is being shown. At the very least, the house should be professionally cleaned from top to bottom.
  3. Remove personal belongings – Your main objective to home staging is to help potential buyers visualize the space as their own. This includes removing personal items such as family photos in frames and on the fridge, as well as making sure clothes and personal items in the bathroom are put away out of sight. It may be odd for you to live in during this time, but it will help buyer connect better with your property.

Regardless of how well your home is staged, the reality is pricing and location are also key to selling your home. In this current market, it takes more than a pretty space to get your home sold.

Therefore, it’s best to speak with an experience realtor like myself to review everything with you. I look forward to working with you and your trusted referrals.